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Welcome back after the Easter holiday! We hope that you all had a brilliant break and that the children are ready to continue their Year 5 learning journey. We have some amazing topics and learning opportunities for Summer Term.


Our thematic units are cross-curricular, covering all the traditional subjects as well as more contemporary areas of study such as sustainability and well-being.


Our first theme this term will be continuing the theme ‘Full of Beans’, which is a thematic unit, with a key focus on geography. It begins with pupils learning about different types of beans, how and where beans are grown and their nutritional value. They go on to look at beans as a source of energy, before moving on to learn about energy sources generally, both renewable and non-renewable. Following this, our next theme will be ‘The Rescuers’. This is a competency-based unit with a history focus. Children will have a closer look at the events of the ill-fated liner ‘The Titanic’. They will have the opportunity to see replica artefacts from the ship and look a little closer at some of the passengers. Our final theme of the year will be ‘Come Fly with Me!’  based on North and Central America, with a key focus on geography and history. It begins with the location of countries and states before we move on to learning about the discovery of America and the Native American people. We will also study weather and climate, as well as human and physical features. As Navigators through our exciting thematic approach to teaching, the children are able to make connections between areas of learning and consolidate skills. All of the themes chosen, deliver the programmes of study for the National Curriculum. MFL, PSHE, R.E and Science will be taught discreetly.


As mathematicians in Class 5, the children will continue to focus on mental arithmetic methods (and when to use them) and revision of times table and division facts. We will begin the term looking at the relationship between fraction, decimals and percentage, measurement, and shape - don’t forget to check out our calculation policy on the school website. This term, in English, we will explore narratives, explanation texts, diaries and letters linked to our topic themes. The children will be encouraged to use a variety of vocabulary, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and punctuation in order to engage the reader and make their writing exciting. We will continue to work on spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPaG) throughout the year.


Our PE sessions are on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school at all times. In the interests of safety, no jewellery, including earrings, should be worn on PE days. As the weather gets colder, the children may prefer to wear tracksuit bottoms and jumpers during PE – please make sure children are dressed weather appropriate.


Children in Class 5 receive regular homework – Maths and English will be alternated and Spellings will be given out weekly. Children will be expected to complete a reading journal of their choice after every book. Children should aim to complete at least one reading journal activity per week (examples of reading journals activities will be stuck inside their Reading Journal Book).


Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you have any questions or concerns. I am usually available at the end of each day and am happy to discuss any of these with you. Thank you for your continued support of the school.


Mrs Wiley (Class 5 Teacher)


Click the Blue label on the post to see more news


 Curriculum Overview

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