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Class 8

Welcome back to Class 8 after the Easter Break.  We are very excited to continue with you on your school adventure to the end of this academic year.


We hope that you have had an exciting and enjoyable Easter.


In class 8, we will continue to be active, independent learners and over the Summer term, we will be supporting your children to settle back into their environment and routines.  The children will be given many opportunities to develop their critical thinking, explore their own skills, actively learn and develop as an independent learner. Within English lessons the children will be exploring a range of texts which they can then use to develop their communication, reading and writing skills. In Mathematics lessons the children will develop their number composition skills, be able to add and subtract accurately along with solving practical number problems.  Our topic is called “Light of the World” and ‘’Medicine Woman’ ’The light of the world topic will focus on learning about the sun, sun safety, different sources of light, shadows, solar power and electricity.  The Medicine Woman topic will focus on the inspirational story of Elisabeth Blackwell. We will develop our skills through a range of activities. Research, art skill development and discussion time will aid the depth of our new learning. 


Your child will be taught through a mixture of teacher led, teacher guided and child-initiated learning, both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, please ensure your child brings their coat to school each day so they are suitably clothed for outdoor activities.


Every Monday the children will spend time exploring the outdoor environment and participate in woodland activities. Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies in a carrier bag for these sessions.

 PE will take place every Thursday. PE kits shall be kept in school until the end of each term. We recommend that you include both indoor and outdoor footwear for child, along with a tracksuit for the colder months and suitable items, such as a hat for the warmer months.

At Palmers Cross, we encourage the children to become independent learners so please ensure that all clothes, shoes and bags have your child’s name on.


We operate an open-door policy, so please do not hesitate to speak to myself, Mrs Marlow, or Miss Biffin if you have any questions or messages, we will be available at the classroom doors at 8:30am and end of school 3:15pm or at the end of the telephone.  


We are looking forward to completing a fun filled year of learning.

Many Thanks


Mrs Marlow.

Class Teacher

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