Dear parents/carers,
Welcome back after the Christmas break. We hope that you have had an enjoyable holiday! This year we are continuing to adopt an exciting, thematic approach to teaching. This allows children to make connections between areas of learning and consolidate skills. All the themes chosen deliver the programmes of study for the National Curriculum. MFL, R.E and Science will continue to be taught discretely.
In Class 4 this term, we will continue to develop the maths mastery scheme that began in the autumn term. Pupils will continue to develop and embed their understanding of the four operations and apply this when solving difficult problems. In addition, there will be a strong focus on times tables, rapidly recalling them in preparation for the National Multiplication Test. Children are able to practice online using
This term, in English, will continue to explore a range of genres beginning with diaries, setting descriptions and story writing. The children will be encouraged to use a variety of vocabulary, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and punctuation in order to engage the reader and make their writing exciting. We will continue to work on spelling, grammar and punctuation (SPaG) throughout the year during daily starter activities.
In Science, we will begin the term by learning about ‘States of Matter’. We will be exploring how solids, liquids and gases, comparing and grouping materials based on these properties. In addition, we will observe how some materials change state when they are heated or cooled.
Our PE sessions are on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school at all times. In the interests of safety, no jewellery, including earrings, should be worn on PE days.
Children in Class 4 receive regular homework and spellings. Children will be expected to complete a reading journal of their choice after every book. Children should aim to complete at least one reading journal activity per week (examples of reading journals activities will be stuck inside their Reading Journal Book). Additional creative homework will also be given out throughout the year.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Preece
KS2 Assistant Headteacher
Year 4 Teacher
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