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Welcome back to the new school year; we hope the children are well and are looking forward to Class 4. We hope you are feeling refreshed and ready for a year full of fun and learning!


The Autumn term is always a busy time for children in Class 4 with lots of new learning taking place. English and Mathematics will continue to be taught daily and focus on key writing skills and mathematical calculations. Times tables are a very important focus this year and we would ask you to support your child with this regularly.  Please encourage your child to learn and revisit times tables they are struggling with, as this knowledge aids so much of their learning in maths. There will be a strong emphasis on recalling times tables up to 12 x 12 as children in Class 4 will be taking take part in the National Multiplication Test later on in the year. More information will be provided in a meeting this term – details to follow soon.

Class 4 will begin their Maths Mastery approach lessons each day. This has been very successful in helping children make rapid improvement in understanding key concepts in Maths and extending their skills in reasoning and problem solving. We look forward to your children beginning work on this in September. More information will be shared about Maths Mastery during the autumn term. 

Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle, that they can refill with water and use in school. We will continue with morning toast up until close of register and should you wish, children can continue bring a piece of fruit to school for their morning snack.

Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school at all times. In the interests of safety, no jewellery, including earrings, should be worn on PE days.

Class 4 PE sessions are: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Children in Class 4 receive regular homework each Week: purple homework books will continue along with the occasional online tasks. Reading books will need to be brought to school each day please, and taken home each night, and we continue to ask for at least one journal to be completed each week. Times table homework may also be given, as needed. 

As you may know, children in Class 4 have the opportunity to take part in a wonderful three-day residential. We have been visiting Whitemoor Lakes for a few years now and all of the children thoroughly enjoy it, every time. They have the opportunity to experience many different activities and it allows them to push themselves a little out of their comfort zones. There will be further information and a parents’ meeting about this in the coming weeks.

We anticipate a busy and exciting term ahead and we look forward to working with you over the next year. If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us, as you play a vital role in your child’s education.  

Mrs J Preece (Assistant headteacher / Class teacher)  Mrs V Zangaro (Trainee teacher) Mr M Elson (HLTA)

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