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Welcome to Palmers Cross Nursery!


During the summer term, we will be welcoming back our current Nursery pupils, and welcoming our new Nursery friends, who we are eager to meet and looking forward to getting to know. We will use the summer term to settle into our routines and build relationships with one another.


Each day your child will experience learning both indoors and outdoors, so please ensure that your child has a pair of wellington boots to keep in Nursery (in a clearly labelled carrier bag), and an appropriate waterproof coat.


PE will take place on a Monday and Friday, but on occasions, we may take part in additional lessons linked to our learning. Please ensure your child has a PE kit to keep in Nursery each day. We will send them home at the end of each term for cleaning.


We understand that when your child starts nursery it can be a very apprehensive time for parents, which is why we strive to ensure the very best settling in period for them so that they feel comfortable and safe. If you do have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s nursery place, please feel free to contact us; we are only too happy to help.


We look forward to sharing our fun-filled nursery experience with you and your child.

Kind regards


Mrs Harper    

EYFS teacher

KS1 and EYFS Assistant Headteacher


Click the Blue label on the post to see more news


 Curriculum Overview

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