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Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome back to the new school year, we hope the children are well and are looking forward to Year 1 at Palmers Cross! The children appear to be settling in well and are enthusiastic to make a start on their new learning! We are starting this term with a fantastic topic this term called ‘Happily Ever After!’


The Autumn term is always a busy time for children in Year 1. In Maths we will be using the Mastery Maths approach to build on their experiences in Reception and children will begin to understand the sequence and value of numbers to 100, their position on the number line and comparing sets. Children will begin representing numbers in a variety of ways e.g. 100 square, tens and ones and Gattegno chart. In English, we will be concentrating on sentence construction and the use of simple punctuation taught through the theme of fairy tales. There will also be a strong focus on grammar, phonics and spelling. In Science, we will start by learning the names for body parts and investigating the five senses. Children will then move on to learning about animals including humans. We will start our Topic with our ‘Happily Ever After’ learning that focusses on combining traditional and fairy tales with art, DT, music and computing.


Children in Year 1 will receive regular Maths and English homework. Children will also continue to receive reading books linked to the ‘Floppy Phonics’ scheme and a weekly list of words to read. 


PE sessions for Class 1 will take place on a Wednesday and Thursday.


Please be aware that these sessions may be flexible, therefore children need a PE kit in school at all times. As we get into the winter months, children will need an outdoor kit. Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days.


Children will enter and leave school through the KS1 door on the front playground. Late children will need to report to the main office.


We look forward to working with you over the next year to ensure your child has a fantastic time in Year 1. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to speak to us. I will usually be available at the end of each day too. Thank you for your continued support.


Yours sincerely,


Miss C Hancock (Year 1 Class Teacher)   Mrs Z Winfindale (Support staff)        


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