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Welcome to the Summer term. I hope you have had a lovely easter break. I cannot believe we are approaching the summer term already! As we move forward into this new term. I wanted to highlight some of the key areas of learning that your child will be focusing on.


In English we will be exploring a range of texts and developing reading comprehension skills in preparation for SATs taking place during the 1st summer term. We will be looking at a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and exploring their features in line with our thematic topic Going Wild! We are going to start the term exploring the very famous author Julia Donaldson. We will be continuing to develop our vocabulary within our writing. We will also be working on developing our speaking and listening skills through a range of activities and group discussions.


In Mathematics, we will be building on the skills and knowledge that your child has already acquired, including counting place value, number recognition, and basic arithmetic and reasoning problem solving to prepare for the SATs taking place. We will be working on developing their problem- solving skills and introducing new concepts such as capacity, volume and measure whilst also recapping the skills to answer questions including the 4 operations subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.


In science we will continue to explore the world around them. Focusing on our new topic everyday materials. We will be encouraging them to ask questions, investigate and make observations, in order to develop their scientific reasoning and curiosity.


In a thematic unit Going wild it will be heavily based around computing, Design and Technology, Dance, Art and Music. The children will be able to create their very own power-point presentation based on an animal in computing, create their own finger puppets in D&T and they will also be exploring a range of prints in Art to create their very own design.


Homework will continue, with Maths and English being sent out alternatively each week, this will be linked to what has been taught prior that week. Spelling will also continue, which will be linked to the phonics taught that week which will be sent home on a Friday, where a spelling test will take place on the following Friday. Reading books will also be changed frequently to ensure that your child has regular opportunities to read at home and throughout the week. I would also like to thank parents for their continued support in ensuring their child’s homework is completed and reading is taking place frequently.


P.E will continue to take place on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please ensure that you children have the correct PE kit and it is labelled. Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


As we more forward into the summer term, we will continue to work closely with you as parents and guardians to ensure hat your child is receiving the best possible education, If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


Thank you for your ongoing support.



Yours Sincerely,

Miss Cooper.

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